EA Canada Lightning Talks
« Effective Altruism is a social movement that asks the question: how can we use our limited resources to do the most good? This inquiry takes us through a wide variety of themes, from global health to AI.
Join us for EA Canada’s 2nd round of Lightning Talks – 5 minute talks to give you a peek at what Canadian EAs are thinking about.
Sample Lightning Talks from an EA conference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SN29D9I_VE…
All are encouraged to participate – if you’re interested in EA, we’d like to know what you’re working on and thinking about!
Prospective presenters, apply to present here: https://forms.gle/yLDPiNem6LDzoHsSA
* Topic can be something you’re interested in, knowledgeable about, or want to start a conversation about. It should be at least loosely related to effective altruism.
* If you want to present, but are unsure about content, pick a top post from the EA Forum (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/)
* Should be limited to 5 minutes
* Slides not required (but can be shown if necessary)
* Most importantly, this is an informal setting – don’t feel like you must be an expert to talk!
8:00pm – 8:15pm: Welcome & introductions
8:15pm – 9:00pm: Lightning talks
9:00pm – 9:30pm: Open discussion
If you’re new to effective altruism, you’re more than welcome to join us! Here are a couple of great introductions:
– https://bit.ly/3aadrIh
– https://bit.ly/3mrATGy »