DATE LIMITE: Période de consultation publique | Updates to Standards of Care for Outdoor Dogs under the Provincial Animal Welfare Services Act, 2019
Période de consultation pour la mises à jour des normes de soins pour les chiens d’extérieur en vertu de la Loi de 2019 sur les services provinciaux de protection des animaux
Date d’échéance pour réception des commentaires : 7 mars 2022
Par la poste: Ministère du Solliciteur général, Édifice George Drew, 25, rue Grosvenor, 9e étage, Toronto (Ontario) M7A 1Y6
En ligne: Ontario’s Regulatory Registry
Pour lire la proposition: consultez le site Web Ontario’s Regulatory Registry
Il vous est également possible de joindre votre voix à celle d’Animal Justice:
« Ask Ontario to end commercial dog sledding
Ontario is seeking public feedback on proposed changes to rules for outdoor dogs. While some proposals look promising, dogs can still be chained in the cold for 23.5 hours per day, causing widespread suffering.
Sled dogs, like dogs who are kept as companions, are incredibly social animals who enjoy playing and develop deep emotional bonds.
But in the dog sledding industry, sled dogs are kept on chains outdoors when they aren’t pulling a sled, and are denied the ability to move freely and interact with one other. Dogs are often chained to shoddy wooden crates or plastic barrels, where they’re exposed to extreme weather, and are forced live, sleep, and defecate all in the same small space.
Please join us in calling on Ontario to ban commercial dog sledding operations before the survey closes on March 7. »
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