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Nov 17 2022


7:00 pm

Panel event : The impacts of Canadian Ag-gag Laws

« The uOttawa Animal Justice Association, Environtastic uOttawa and Climate Crisis uOttawa invite you to our panel event about Canadian ag-gag laws. 🐓🐄🐖

Canada has some of the worst laws animal protection laws in the western world, with practically no regulations or government oversight to protect animals on farms. To make matters worse, some provinces have passed troubling ag gag laws that make it illegal for undercover workers to expose animal abuse on farms.

Meet the presenters: Scott Tinney, Dr. Jan Hajek, and Jenny McQueen.

Scott is a passionate advocate for animal rights and welfare with a variety of legal experience across numerous practice areas. Scott graduated from the University of Toronto, Faculty of Law in 2018. Now working as part of Animal Justice, Scott is eager to apply his expertise to enforce and advance animal protections across Canada. Scott is affiliated with and supports various animal advocacy initiatives and organizations in Toronto and nationally.

Dr Hajek is an infectious diseases doctor based at Vancouver General Hospital and a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of British Columbia. As an advocate himself, Dr. Hajek will be exploring the biosecurity hazards caused by animal advocates occupying farms, in comparison with the risks of disease caused by animal farming on animals and the human population.

Jenny McQueen is a retired provincial government employee dedicated to fighting for animals. She takes part in and organizes non-violent activism, including open rescues, disruptions, and demonstrations for Direct Action Everywhere, Animal Save Movement, Anonymous for the Voiceless, and PETA to name a few. She is also the co-founder of Animal Rights Toronto, and the founder of #ZipOffTheCruelty, a campaign against the fur trade. McQueen strives to fight against ag-gag laws as she believes animal justice will be achieved by spreading awareness. »

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Organisé par: UOttawa Animal Justice Association


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