

[contact-form-7 id="1965" title="Infolettre"]


Mai 07 2022


6:00 am

Virtual Rally and Social Media Storm to #EndHorseracing!

« This Rally to #EndHorseracing will take place on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

On this day, the Kentucky Derby, a day of smoke & mirrors, a day in which the racing ruse is at its most obscene, mint juleps and loud hats, the myth of « pampered athletes » in the « sport of kings, » we will remind the public that Horseracing is Animal Cruelty and that Horseracing Kills Horses.

We will memorialize and remember the thousands of horses killed for gambling and entertainment every year, tweet the truth about this horrible industry, and we will be a voice for the horses suffering now – confined to tiny stalls 23 hours a day, drugged and doped without consent, whipped to run, suffering painful injuries for $2 bets.

Ways you can be a voice for the horses on May 7th:

1. Tweet using the Hastags: #EndHorseracingNOW and #HorseracingKillsHorses (tweets will be posted in the event soon!)
2. Have you attended a protest? Post a photo of yourself at a protest or a selfie with a homemade sign on Facebook and Instagram telling people why horseracing is cruel, tag Horseracing Wrongs and use the hastags #EndHorseracingNOW #HorseracingKillsHorses AND #KyDerby
**It is very important to use #KYDerby as it is the official hashtag of the event and we will flood the feed for those searching that hashtag.
3. Post an educational graphic on your social media accounts (will be posted in the event soon) asking friends and family not to attend, watch or bet on horseracing. Tag Horseracing Wrongs and use the hashtags #EndHorseracingNOW #HorseracingKillsHorses
4. Invite everyone you know to this event and let us know that you will be participating as a voice for the horses! Share!

For more information »

Page Facebook de l’événement

Organisé p ar  Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses et Horseracing Wrongs

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