Film premiere and Q and A: Where are the pigs? African Swine Fever in deadly assemblages
« We would like to invite you to an online premier of the film, Where are the pigs? African Swine Fever in deadly assemblages, followed up by a Q&A. The film is a collaboration between the Pig Response Project and just wondering… exploring and commemorating a deadly pig pandemic and the lives it touched.
Iryna Zamuruieva & Elliot Hurst, as curators of the Pig Response Project, have been engaging with the events of the African Swine Fever Virus over the past 2 years. They have been telling the story of pigs through poetry, ceremony and other media together with many friends and kindred spirits.
just wondering… has been wondering about how to have good relationships with other animals and exploring these thoughts in video-essays and short animations. For this short film, they worked together with the curators of The Pig Response Project and with Adrian Feener to create an audio-visual experience meant to tune in human attention to non-human suffering.
The film is followed up by a Q&A with Iryna Zamuruieva & Elliot Hurst (from the Pig Response Project) and M. Martelli (from just wondering…).
Length of the film: 13 min
Duration of the meeting: 1h
The film is in English with subtitles in English, Romanian, and Ukrainian
Writers & Narrators – Iryna Zamuruieva & Elliot Hurst
Director, Editor, Animator – Aron Nor
Art Director & Illustrator – Mina Mimosa
Music Composer – Adrian Feener
Script Editor – M. Martelli
Link to register on Zoom:
PIG RESPONSE PROJECT , is a curatorial initiative for practicing careful pig-human relations. It has been set up in response to the ASFV pandemic affecting pigs all over the globe and works as ever-branching-off space for artistic, empathetic research and down-to-earth porcine speculation.
just wondering… is a collective of three individuals creating short animated essays against the status-quo. Drawing from posthumanist and antispeciesist theories, as well as many other approaches from philosophy, social sciences, and activist movements, they aim to make knowledge more accessible through audio-visual storytelling. Their work is inescapably political and speculative. Aron Nor is a researcher, artivist, and filmmaker, Mina Mimosa is a visual artist and activist, and M. Martelli is a writer and activist-scholar.
Adrian Feener is a student of Environmental Sustainability at Earlham College. Additionally, Adrian is working on the second edition of Great Basin Research in Utah. This project explores bodies of water and modes of storytelling through art and writing.
Dimanche 19 décembre 2021 de 14h00 à 15h00, heure du Québec