A Deeper Dive into Renesting and Reuniting Birds (part 2)
« Join us for part two of our Reuniting and Renesting Orphaned Wildlife webinar, as we take a deeper dive into reuniting and renesting birds. Like squirrels, raccoons, and other mammals, healthy young birds can become accidently separated from their parents for any number of reasons, causing animal care and control, law enforcement, and wildlife rehabilitation centers to be inundated with calls about potentially orphaned birds in the spring and summer. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to better evaluate and respond to these calls and just as importantly, learn what not to do. We’ll discuss how long young birds are dependent on parents, different nest types and substitutes, and species behavior related to breeding and development. Examples of reuniting methods for passerines will be presented to demonstrate the basic techniques of reuniting, along with brief discussions of strategies for reuniting raptors and waterfowl. »
Évènement de The Justice Clearinghouse