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Jan 31 2024


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Animal Justice Academy – Why animal advocates should fight for electoral reform

« with Elizabeth May
12pm – 1pm

Canada has a chance at a more effective democracy with the upcoming vote for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform, and there are some VITAL reasons for animal advocates to help push it forward!

Canadian political powerhouse Elizabeth May will be joining us for this AJA Lunchtime Live to explain why electoral reform and proportional representation are initiatives the animal protection movement should be supporting with great gusto if we want political change for animals and other social justice issues close to our hearts.

The Green Party leader and longtime MP will share how electoral reform could eliminate the need for strategic voting and make every vote count so that the more progressive parties in Canada that strongly support animal protection would get their true share of votes and real power to enact legislation for animals.

We’ll also cover how a citizens’ assembly works and how you can step up in the next couple of weeks to help get Motion M-86 passed and a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform created.

This could be the last chance for electoral reform in Canada for a very long time, so let’s make sure to seize this opportunity!

*We invite folks to have their video on during this event to enhance the sense of community, but it’s not mandatory »

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Animal Justice Academy

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