(DEADLINE) Call for Proposals | Animal and Environmental Law Student Conference Online | 2022
« Announcing the 2nd edition of the online Animal & Environmental Law Student Conference at McGill University! Would you like to give a short student presentation in English or French on animal or environmental law/rights at our conference?
Fill out the proposal form on our website: https://animaladvocacylaw.wordpress.com/proposals-propositions-2022
The deadline to submit a proposal is Saturday 8 January 2022.
The Animal & Environmental Law Student Conference will be held online at the McGill Faculty of Law from January 14–15, 2022!
University students from any discipline can submit a proposal.
There is no participation fee!
La conférence sera composée de présentations étudiantes et de présentations de conférencier.e.s invité.e.s sur la loi animale et environnementale.
Nos conférencier.e.s invité.e.s sont:
Professor Angela Fernandez, University of Toronto;
Professeur François Jaquet, Université de Strasbourg;
Professor Lynda Collins, University of Ottawa.
Pour plus d’information et les consignes pour les propositions, visitez notre site web: https://animaladvocacylaw.wordpress.com/2022-animal-environmental-law-student-conference
Questions? Contactez-nous / Contact us:
animaladvocacy.law@gmail.com »
Animal Advocacy / Défense Animale