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Avr 14 2022


Journée entière

PigTrial4 – Judge’s Verdict

« ‼️Date and location change: APRIL 14TH IN SAINT HYACINTHE
We will update ASAP when we confirm what time!
Join us in the courtroom to hear the judge’s final verdict.
(We will have to confirm if people will be allowed inside)
PigTrial4 is the first of its kind in Canada and we have a huge opportunity to show the public the cruelty and exploitation behind closed barn doors. The most important element is solidarity! The more people we are outside and inside the courthouse, the bigger an impact we will have. Bring your family and friends. Plan ahead and book off work. These events are not just about the 12 of us on trial, but also about us as a community standing up against Animal Ag and the systems in place that protect them. We cannot wait to stand up for the animals in court, and we would be so lucky to have you with us. Thank you so much for all of your support – see you there✌🏻
The legal system will always be daunting but solidarity, in every way we can display it, makes all the difference ✊ »

Palais de justice de Saint-Hyacinthe: 1550 Rue Dessaulles, Saint-Hyacinthe, QC J2S 2S8
Évènement de PigTrial4 – Porgreg12Shay the Farm Investigator et Natalie Bartosek


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