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Jan 12 2023


12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Protest to END Live Horse Exports for Slaughter

« Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is in Ottawa tomorrow! We’re planning an emergency protest on Parliament Hill to call for an end to the live export of horses for slaughter 🐴

Thousands of live horses are flown from Alberta and Manitoba every year to be killed overseas. During live shipments, horses are packed tightly into tiny wooden crates for trips that can last more than 24 hours. During this time, they are denied the opportunity to eat food, drink water, or rest.

The conditions are stressful, dangerous, and sometimes deadly. More than 2,000 horses have been exported from Canada for slaughter since September 2021 alone 💔

On December 16, 2021, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau directed Agriculture Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau to end the live export of horses for slaughter in a mandate letter, but over a year later, horses are still being flown to their death.

We will have a few signs made, but feel free to bring your own as well. Global News is also expected to cover the event.

See you there! »

Page Facebook de l’événement

Organisé par Animal Justice

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